Monday, February 20, 2012

Personal Blog

I have decided that I want to start blogging about my personal life.  I follow a lot of my college friends and even people that I have never met, and I find such encouragement from reading their blogs.  They give me such encouragement because many times they are going through similar situations like myself.  

This blog is going to be a place where I can talk freely about the things that are going on in my life and ask for advice on everyday things! I look forward to meeting new people through the "blogging world".  I plan to talk about past and current relationships, work (I am a 5th grade teacher), family, and many other random details of my life! :) I am really excited about starting MY blog.  I have 2 other blogs (one that documents my trip to England during my Senior year of college and the other for my classroom) but I don't have a current blog that is just about me! 

I am excited that you have chosen to follow this journey with me and I look forward to hearing from everyone along the way! 

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