Tuesday, February 21, 2012


As I was reading my devotions tonight, I began thinking about the word trust.  Many times I tell people that I trust them.  I tell my students that I trust tthey are telling me the truth.  I tell many of my friends to just trust what I am telling them.  But what does it mean to truly trust someone.  

Dictionary.com defines trust as: the reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of person or thing; confidence.  When I tell someone that I trust them, am I truly putting all of my reliance into them?  Am I confident in their ability?  Many times I think that I use the word trust very loosely.  When I began reading tonight, I found that Jesus was speaking to me about how I trust in Him.  I pray to Him every morning and I communicate to Him that I am putting my trust in Him, but when I examine my day, did I truly put ALL of my confidence in Him or did I doubt Him at some point?  Many times I tell myself, "I know that God is going to get me through this" or "I know God has a plan for my life and I just need to wait for Him to show it to me", but do I really trust in Him enough to wait for Him?  

The answer is NO! 

I have found that I do not put enough trust in Him.  I want to sort my life out on my own, I don't want any help! This is something that I am battling right now and many of you may be going through the same thing.  

One of the things that stands out to me the most right now is this: "I am 23 years old and single...".  I began reading "Lady in Waiting" around Christmas time and I found that many of the things that Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones talk about in this book are big huge eye openers.  One thing that stood out to me was this.  "Incompleteness is not the result of being single, but of not being full of Jesus."  How can I expect to be happy when I do not trust that Jesus is going to make me complete?  That He is the only thing that can fulfill my happiness and make me feel complete.  I don't need a boy to make me happy or make me complete.  Society puts so much emphasis on what age you should be when you get married, how old you should be when you have your first child, when you buy your first home, all of those things. 

 Instead of focusing on what society is telling me, I need to be focusing on what 

Jesus is saying. 

This is a challenge that I give each of you for tomorrow...Think about how much trust you put into Jesus every day.  How much of your life do you put in His hands? Try to spend the day tomorrow giving more to Him and allowing Him to show you new things...I think you and I will both be surprised at what He reveals to us!

Have a wonderful Tuesday night.  

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